Tuesday 11 June 2019

Why people should not use phones while driving.

Why drivers should be banned from using cellphones
while driving .
In my opinion drivers should be banned from using
cellphones and here are some examples of why
we should not do that.
Since people are using cellphones while they’re
driving,it can be a lot dangerous. If the red light turns
on and the driver is not concentrating on the road
might be injuries and then lots of people would be dying.
Also if some children and other people were crossing
the road and you were just messaging somebody
the people will get hurt. Not only just the people think
about that the children will also get hurt and that is
so not good at all.

Conclusion I hope you guys understand that
we should not use phones while driving it is a
lot Dangerous .Comment I Aisha have read your
writing the first paragraph is only a sentence  and
the 2nd one I think you should improve on that and
add more elaboration [more detail] But i love the way
you are using capital letters and full stops.

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