Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Sentence starters

Was this a magic spell cast by a wizard or an illusion. Immediately
started coming out of the bottom of the house and the big bulky gas bottles
went through the roof of the next-door neighbors and ignited a fire. The power
went out and all the power lines were on fire.

Just a second later disaster struck Amelie's house and everyone's house
was on fire. Suddenly the fire truck pulled up the red and
blue sirens, alerted everyone that they might survive.

Amelie saw firefighters smash windows of other houses to let
people evacuate. This was like a scene in a horror movie.
\Crack! Amelie’s window was gone. All of a sudden she saw
a firefighter the firefighter said to Amelie to jump on the ladder.
Amelie was scared but she knew this was the only way she
could survive….